Trying out my first build at a commander cube. Hoping for it to be viable for 4 or more players. All 80 multicolor commanders will be drafted separately. Main pool of 560 cards will be drafted in 4 15 card packs or 3 20 card packs. 2 cards will be taken from each pack, similar to commander legends.
Multicolor Commanders will be drafted separately. One pack of ten commanders per player. Players will draft 5 commanders at the start and then 5 commanders halfway through the draft. Able to do this twice with 4 players or once with 8.
Alternate commander draft is a face up draft of the commanders by all the players. Lay out 6 commanders and each player picks one and replaces that with one from the deck. Players can also take a random commander from the deck or exchange a commander from their pool with one of the bunch and draw another from the deck.
Players will also start with a copy of Command Tower just because.
Azorius Blink
Dimir Zombies
Gruul Landfall/Big Stompy Things
Rakdos Exile/Treasures/Sacrifice
Selesnya Tokens
Boros Equipment/Aggro
Golgari Reanimator
Izzet Spellslinger
Orzhov Aristocrats/Lifegain
Simic Counters/Tokens
Five color Shrines