Jackal's Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Jackal's Cube
Cube ID
Art by Cynthia SheppardArt by Cynthia Sheppard
360 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by ShadowJackyll
Mana Pool$179.36

A synergy-heavy cube with lower individual power levels, made up of some of my favorite cards and archetypes from over the years.

Relevant Arcana:
-Arcbound Bruiser is a Golem.
-Planar Guide is a Human
-Subterranean Spirit is a Spirit.

The archetypes are:
WU: Blink
UB: Hexproof Cipher
BR: Vampires
RG: Phoenix mass damage
GW: Tokens
WB: Life Drain / Creature Sac
UR: Artifacts / Artifact Sac
BG: Spirits / Self-Mill
RW: Fliers
GU: Proliferate

And of course, more are possible.

Mainboard Changelist+360, -0
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