The 2007 Nostalgia Cube is a time capsule Vintage cube from 2007, specifically up through Time Spiral block (the original nostalgia expansion). All cards in the cube physically existed in 2007. It has a heavy emphasis on cards that were the strongest at some point in history, a few of my old favorite cards, and constructed decks I remember reading about in tournament reports.
The 2007 Nostalgia Cube teleports you back to 2007 and lets you experience again what Magic used to be like. Back when Masticore was synonymous with broken. Back when the best Reanimate target was Verdant Force. Back when Lin Sivvi earned a ban. Back when Flametongue Kavu and Spiritmonger were called "the best creatures ever printed." Back when Akroma, Angel of Wrath was the fan favorite character. Back when Moat and The Abyss could take over an entire game. Back when Kiki-Jiki's partner in crime was Sky Hussar. Back when "planeswalker" was a cryptic preview in Tarmogoyf's reminder text.
This version of the cube was featured at CubeCon 2023.
Archetype Guide Mind Over MatterIf you've ever wished you could turn your entire hand into Black Lotuses, Ancestral Recalls, and Lightning Bolts, then Mind Over Matter is the card for you! Mind Over Matter plus Gilded Lotus turns any card into a Black Lotus, Mind Over Matter plus Arcanis the Omnipotent turns any card into a free Ancestral Recall, and Mind Over Matter plus Kamahl, Pit Fighter turns any card into a free Lightning Bolt. You can also float a bunch of mana and then spend it on a big Braingeyser, float even more mana, and then burn your opponent out with a huge Ghitu Fire.
The Abyss (The Abyss, Pestilence, and Pyrohemia can oppressively keep the board clear of creatures including your own. However, if your creatures aren't affected by those enchantments, you can maintain a board presence while repeatedly wiping your opponent's creatures. Creature with protection like Paladin en-Vec or shroud like Kodama of the North Tree are unaffected by The Abyss. Protection creatures or just plain ol' chonky creatures like Erhnam Djinn can survive repeated activations of Pestilence or Pyrohemia. You can also protect your creatures with Lashknife Barrier.
Mass Land DestructionDestroying lots of lands with Armageddon or Cataclysm will really slow players from playing spells. If you can get ahead on board with big creatures, especially creatures that can survive a Wildfire, you'll be a huge favorite to win. Don't forget that Terravore can always survive a Wildfire since damage doesn't kill creatures, state based actions kill creatures.
RebelsThese Rebels have a cause - and that cause is summoning more Rebels! Rebels like Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero and Defiant Falcon have the ability to search your library for another Rebel card and put it directly into play. Bound in Silence is a Rebel removal spell, so it can be tutored up in a pinch. With enough Rebels in your deck, you'll always have plenty to do with your mana, so consider splashing cards that give you access to lots of mana like Gaea's Cradle or Mirari's Wake.
GoblinsOne lone Goblin may be weak and stupid, but when they work together they are strong and stupid! Goblin Lackey can help get more of your Goblins into play from your hand quickly, but when those Goblins are the massive Goblin Goon or the army-in-a-can Siege-Gang Commander, your opponent doesn't stand a chance. Goblin Recruiter lets you stack your library with any number of Goblins, so you can set up a perfect Goblin Ringleader with four guaranteed hits!
TurbolandsYou like playing spells, and playing lands lets you play spells, so play more lands and you’ll get to play even more spells! Fastbond and Exploration allow you to play more than one land each turn, so you can play your spells sooner than usual. Recycle and Thawing Glaciers net you a card every time you play a land, so you’ll never run out of lands or spells.
StormThe Storm archetype is all about planning out that one perfect turn where you play a whole bunch of cards followed by a card with the storm mechanic like Brain Freeze or Tendrils of Agony and kill your opponent on the spot. How do you cast so many spells in a single turn? By playing mana-positive cards like Yawgmoth's Will combined with Lion's Eye Diamond and Dark Ritual, or Peregrine Drake combined with bounce lands or Mana Flare.
Infinite TurnsLet's do the time warp again! And again! And again! If you use Panoptic Mirror's imprint ability on either Time Warp or Walk the Aeons, you'll be taking an extra turn after each of your turns. In other words, you get all the turns for the rest of the game. You'll probably be able to find a way to defeat your opponent with all the time in the world. If you have Panoptic Mirror but haven't found one of your extra turns cards yet, disruptive spells like Wrath of God are good ways of stalling until you can find them. Note that you can activate Panoptic Mirror's ability in response to its upkeep trigger to start the loop the turn after you play it.
ReanimatorDo you like playing with the biggest, scariest creatures ever printed like Verdant Force, Akroma, Angel of Wrath, and Tidespout Tyrant? Do you hate waiting until turn 8 to play them? Then Reanimator is the archetype for you! Put your huge creatures in the graveyard with cards like Entomb, Careful Study, or Survival of the Fittest, and then put them directly into play with cards like Reanimate, Life // Death, or Recurring Nightmare.
OppositionEven your tiniest creatures are terrifying when you combine them with Opposition or Glare of Subdual! Each of the enchantments allows you to use one of your creatures to neutralize one of your opponent's most powerful creatures or artifacts (and in Opposition's case their lands too). To take advantage of the uneven exchange, try playing a lot of small creatures instead of a single big creature, and you'll make quick work of your opponent.
Kiki-Jiki ComboKiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker plus Sky Hussar creates an infinite number of hasty 4/3 flyers which let you soar to victory. You can also create an infinite flying army using Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker plus Karmic Guide plus a sacrifice outlet such as Goblin Bombardment or Carrion Feeder. If you activate Kiki targeting Karmic Guide and hold priority sacrificing Kiki, Kiki will be in the graveyard when you create the copy of Karmic Guide, allowing you to reanimate Kiki with the Karmic Guide's trigger.
Survival of the Fittest ComboSurvival of the Fittest with any creature can essentially be a one card combo. Discard the creature to fetch Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. Discard Kiki to fetch Sky Hussar. Discard Sky Hussar to fetch Karmic Guide. Reanimate Kiki with Karmic Guide, use Kiki to copy Karmic Guide, and use the copy of Karmic Guide to reanimate Sky Hussar. Now you have the Kiki + Sky Hussar infinite combo!