Peasant Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Peasant Cube
Cube ID
Art by John AvonArt by John Avon
450 Card Peasant Legacy Cube3 followers
Designed by 30watt
Mana Pool$533.84

The goal of this Peasant cube is to replicate regular limited environments; where the best decks are synergy driven, but drafting a stack of your favorite cards is still viable. My intention was for aggro, synergy, and late-game decks to be more or less viable in every color.

I've seeded all 10 color pairs with a theme highlighted in the multi-color cards, but also included generic good-cards to not restrict the color pair to solely the theme

w-u Flicker/Fliers
u-b Reanimate/Control
r-b Sacrifice
r-g Stompy
g-w +1/+1 Counters
b-w Aristocrat Sac'ing Tokens
r-u Spells Matter
b-g Graveyard Value
r-w Go-Wide Aggro
u-g Ramp / Proliferate

I've tried to hit the sweet spot in mana fixing to enable the overlapping themes to enable synergy-driven 3 color decks (Bant = +1+/+1 counters creation & proliferate overlapping, Mardu = tokens & sacrifice overlapping, Abzan = persist combos, etc) without fully devolving the format into multi-color value piles.

So far there have been some intentional exclusions as power level outliers, such as Fact or Fiction, Mistmeadow Witch, Sprout Swarm, Pestilence/Pyrohemia, and the Signets

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