This is my adjustment to Vintage Cube.
I feel I've added a few new archetypes while improving others that have historically been less powerful AND maintained the vast core of the Vintage Cube.
I hope you read and enjoy! Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Significant Archetype Additions/Improvements
How To Play?
o Strip Mine Lock
o Combine Squandered Resources with The Gitrog Monster and Fastbond to essentially draw the deck. Thassa’s Oracle win? Mayhem Devil win? There are many paths to victory.
How To Play?
o Selesnya is not a “thing” in the current iteration of Vintage Cube. I tried to fix this by adding 2 creatures that are strong token generators that would become “reasons to add white”. Adding white also allows for the addition of powerful one mana removal spells and silence effects.
o Vizier of Remedies is endless green mana when combined with Devoted Druid. Perhaps this is enough to entice drafters to add white for this powerful two card combo?
o Rite of Harmony/Glimpse of Nature allows for massive card draw/mana/creatures when combined (in various ways) with Torens, Fist of the Angeles, Earthcraft, Whitemane Lion, and Aluren.
• Will these inclusions be enough to entice mono green drafters to add white? Will Earthcraft and/or Aluren just power up Mono Green Ramp? Will this improve cards like Survival of the Fittest, Armageddon, and Skullclamp (I like to think so)? Or perhaps it allows there to be two green drafters since Selesnya can include strong white cards
How To Play?
o Sacrifice things, deal damage.
o Can include a Reanimator package
o Have Mayhem Devil and Juri, Master of the Review on the battlefield, sacrifice everything to Greater Gargadon…laugh evilly
How To Play?
o I believe this is an immensely powerful archetype
o You get the best black discard spells and tutors
o You get the best white removal spells and silence effects
o I believe the Blink portion to be somewhat secondary. The best Black and White spells will often be enough. However, I really like the addition of Kaya, Ghost Assassin. All 3 modes are relevant and fit the archetype perfectly.
Ephemerate + Grief/Solitude/any WB creature with a strong ETB
Solid Archetype Additions/Improvements
o This color pair needed no help, and yet;
Ral, Storm Conduit is a strong improvement over Thousand Year Storm. I believe it is better in Storm, better in Twin Combo, and better in tempo
Rielle, the Everwise is a solid addition in Storm and Twin Combo. Turning discard into card advantage. A reason to add Bazaar of Baghdad in your deck.
Lutri, the Spellchaser is a free card…
o This color pair needed some help. I think these are worthy inclusions and reasons to splash the opposite color. Each is versatile in both the early and late game. Each seem to have the potential to win games (specifically Aurelia’s Fury and Response//Resurgence…I am eager to see how they perform)
o These color pairs needed no help
General Card Quality Improvement:
These cards have powerful effects that can be splashed in multiple Archetypes
Enlightened Tutor
o Top Targets (Archetype Improvement):
Squandered Resources (Lands)
Opposition (Simic)
Any of the Reanimate enchantments (Reanimator, Rakdos Sacrifice, Orzhov Misery)
Fastbond/Exploration (Lands)
Earthcraft/Aluren (Green Ramp, Selesnya)
Underworld Breach (Storm)
Sneak Attack (Sneak)
Once Upon a Time
o Archetype Improvement:
Lands (Strip Mine/Wasteland…Ramanup Excavator)
Green Ramp (Gaea’s Cradle, Mana Dork, Craterhoof Behemoth)
Selesnya Tokens (see Green Ramp)
Silence/Orim’s Chant
o Archtype Improvement:
Perhaps I overrate these, but they are nearly Time Walks in many instances. Any deck would consider splashing white for these cards. Perhaps I am incorrect? Would like another opinion because they seem monstrously powerful.
Worldy Tutor
o Archetype Improvement
Mono Green (Craterhoof)
Selesnya (Whitemane Lion, Devoted Druid, Vizier of Remedies, etc)
Lands (Ramunap Excavator, The Gitrog Monster, etc)
Unmarked Grave
o Archetype Improvement
Any number of other applications where an Entomb effect is desired
A brief list of the cards I removed from the current MTGO Vintage Cube. I feel that these cards lack the strength to see meaningful play or often begin in the sideboard. I’ll comment on some of the ones that may be more controversial. Every 3 mana one for one removal spell has been removed. The lands rarely see play or are used as intended in my experience.