This cube is designed for 1v1 or multiplayer free for all.
You can draft it or use it for sealed play.
Packs for this cube are 15 cards, completely randomized regardless of rarity/color/mana value. Drafts normally use 3 packs and a 4th pack can be used in drafts with 4-6 players (this is optional), sealed pools are 6 packs.
1v1 Draft: 4-10 players (recommended 6-8)
1v1 Sealed: 2-6 players (check booster tutor special rules in the silver bordered section in the case of a 6 player sealed pod)
Multiplayer Draft: 4-5 players (recommended mode; free for all)
Multiplayer Sealed: 3-5 players (recommended mode; free for all)
Multiplayer games are meant to feel similar to a limited form of commander.
It is meant to create a very casual and creative deck-building environment with a large degree of freedom, so it is not necessary to stick to the following archetypes, but they are a helpful guid to make better decisions while selecting cards and looking for synergies.
Featured Color Pair Archetypes:
Azorius - Flicker Value
Dimir - Mill Recursion
Rakdos - Sac/Discard Recursion
Gruul - Stompy Landfall
Selesnya - Token/Swarm Agression
Orzhov - Lifegain Drain/Control
Izzet - Spells Matters
Golgari - Death Matters
Boros - Equip/Aura Voltron
Simic - Flashy Big Value
Multicolored/Chromatic - Goodstuff Value
Tricolored - Players are encouraged to splash or even play full 3 colored decks, just make sure to draft enough lands
Players with green as a main color or significant secondary color are meant to have an advantage in having more access to splashing or playing multi colored decks, altho it is not completely exclusive as there are many lands that should help in splashing.
All companions are supported to some degree, especially if picked early in an 8 player pod. Most of them act almost as another set of possible archetypes in this draft format.
They will excel especially in multi colored decks as it allows for greater ease with meeting their deck building conditions. Players are recommended to play 3 colors with most companions.
All in all, this cube has over 30 potential archetypes to choose from, while still allowing players to carve new creative paths in their draft experience.
Silver Bordered Rules:
Booster Tutor - Players may open a sealed booster pack from outside the cube and borrow a sleeve of the same type used for the rest of the cube, or they may use one of the unopened packs from the cube. Sealed unused cube packs are treated as sealed MTG packs in this case.
In the case there are no extra boosters in the cube or outside the draft; use this website to generate a virtual pack and create a proxy copy of the selected card using a token.
Conspiracy Rules:
Worldknit - You cannot use companions with this conspiracy as they are in the sideboard but still a part of the draft/sealed pool.
Power Play - In best of three, the loosing player still gets priority to choose the starting player. This effect only applies to the first game of a match. In multiplayer, Power Play always applies (this is to improve the chances of aggressive decks to perform well even when having multiple opponents).
Commander Varient Rules:
Legendary Creatures OR planeswalkers can be commanders in this cube.
Preferable pod size: 4-5 players (draft only, sealed is not recommended)
4 packs are drafted rather than 3.
Deck size is minimum 60, and there is no maximum, it is not fixed at 60.
Color identity limitations on deck building apply as with common commander rules.
Optional rule: Mono colored or colorless commanders can be given a "tattoo" where their mana cost is changed by adding one mana of any other color, this is treated as a printed change and the card's CMC is therefor +1 it's original cost. This rule allows players more flexibility and freedom in deck building and experimentation while insuring that commanders that get an extra color identity are nerfed slightly.
Example: If a player want's to use a Ragavan as a commander while adding white to it's color identity, then Ragavan would cost one white mana and one red mana instead of the usual one red mana. This would not apply to any of the other costs such as dash, only to the CMC of the card itself.