The Wastes - The Great Un-Mending
(328 Card Cube)
The Wastes - The Great Un-Mending
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
328 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by HotSoup
Mana Pool$856.69

In a alternate world where the Eldrazi have won, almost all mana has been sapped from the multiverse, leaving a broken and devoid landscape, with few pockets of colored mana left and vast swathes of Wasted lands. The only survivors were devoid, artifacts and colorless creatures. Few others subsist by preying on the living, scraping together what they can find.

Fight for your colors! Players only have access to [Wastes] by default and must draft any colored sources that are few and far between.

Traditional deck archetypes of aggro, control and combo are still present, but in an artifact or colorless formation.

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