Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Cube
Cube ID
Art by Zoltan BorosArt by Zoltan Boros
360 Card Set Cube7 followers
Designed by adamjlittlewood
Mana Pool$141.65

Finally got to draft AFR with my D&D friends and we had a blast! Decided to make a cube that was a little more focused for next time.

The cube supports each of the drafting archetypes:
w-u Azorius: Venture Tempo
u-b Dimir: Rogues!
b-r Rakdos: Treasure Control
r-g Gruul: Pack-Tactics Aggro
g-w Selesyna: Lifegain Midrange
w-b Orzhoz: Dungeons go BRRRR!
b-g Golgari: Sacrificial Lamb
g-u Simic: Because Simic
u-r Izzet: Die-Roll Tempo
r-w Boros: Suit Up!

Each pack would include 2 Rares/Mythic, 4 Uncommon, 9 Common cards. (Not sure how to implement that on here.)

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