The Supreme Commander Cube
(360 Card Cube)
The Supreme Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Ryan YeeArt by Ryan Yee
360 Card Multiplayer Commander Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by MrRHardy
Mana Pool$1429.78

This is my take on a commander cube!

My goal is to emulate the feel of commander that I remember from years ago (around 2012-14) when it wasn't quite so common for Wizards to roll out new cards and the format was a little less developed.
The plan for the first draft is to have each player draft six packs of fifteen, picking two cards at a time. That means that in a four man draft (which for the purposes of this cube is a full draft) the whole cube will be drafted. This feels like a lot of drafting, but I want to give it a try because I don't want cards to not get drafted which might result in feel bad situations for drafters trying to build a specific deck. We'll try something different if we find this format doesn't work.

In the course of the draft, players will have the opportunity to draft their commander, but if for some reason they can't find the one they need, they can choose any legend from the game that isn't already in the cube. That being said, I do want to incentivize using the legends I've selected and not going full 5-color goodstuff pile. To that end, if a player drafts their legend they receive one fetchland of their choice from outside the cube. It's not game breaking if they don't go that direction, but I would think about it for sure.

Finally, after the draft, every player will receive one command tower. I will not be making Sol Ring available because in this lower power environment, playing it turn one would be too much of an advantage.

So that's it! First draft complete!
I'm sure I'll be back with some changes soon enough!

We finished our first draft of the cube last week, and it went really well! I did take a couple things away from the experience though. The first is that if we're gonna draft ninety cards (per the custom draft setup in the playtest tab) we really should build 100 card decks as opposed to the sixty card ones we did. The other thing is that the fixing in the cube is a little weird; you go turn one playing an original ABUR dual land to turn two playing the Vivid you just ripped off the top of your deck. It's not a bad thing necessarily, but I might want to rethink some of the includes. I won't, however, make any changes to the list until after the next draft at least where we will be building hundred card decks, and we'll see if the lands make more sense there.
In the meantime, the draft was a lot of fun and went quickly; we even had a literal first time drafter who enjoyed the experience!
Overall, I'm happy with the cards in the cube for now and will be tuning the list as I see fit to make the gameplay feel like EDH from 2011 or so.
Hopefully, we'll be able to get that next draft in soon, so I can keep thinking about the changes I can make.

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