Cube Overview:
This cube is based on one of my favorite cube archetypes of all time: Aristocrats. This cube promotes token-based strategies and sacrificing things for value and profit. It was initially envisioned as a 3 color Twobert (Mardu colors), but I decided to expand into green and upped it to 270 and then 360 after getting feedback on additional themes that I thought would play well in this environment (Persist Combo, Artifact Aggro, KCI Shenanigans). There is no blue section (my playgroup plays enough blue in all of our other Magic endeavors). The cube is base black (and red as a secondary color) due to the nature of Aristocrats, and fixing in the cube is more prominent for black-based strategies.
As with any good Aristocrat deck, there are a number of small value recursion engines that use the graveyard. I've included enough graveyard hate to "break up" loops or combos, but mostly want it to be 1-shot style effects. Lion Sash, Scavenging Ooze, and Deathrite Shaman are included as repeatable effects, but I like that these cards are in the "off colors" of the cube and that justifies them staying for now.
Since the games can already be quite grindy (There will be board stalls and token battles in these matches), I've decided to stray away from most planeswalkers, except for a few specific archetype enablers. To combat these board stalls, there are a number of sweepers in the cube now (some of these are focused on wiping tokens while others are on theme like Living Death). Along with being able to break through a board stall, I want to make sure that sweepers don't feel rare enough that they feel like "gotcha" cards when they are cast. I want players always considering them as a possibility when deciding on their lines of play.
I want an 8 player draft to be an option, but will probably draft this much more often with 2-4 players. As such, we'll grid draft with a larger number of packs or do some style of burn draft to see more cards. I could see this cube getting stale if it was drafted too often, but our playgroup cycles through cubes and different formats quite frequently.
Self Restricted Limitations:
Possible Decks I see Right Now (Without playing a lot yet):
Goals Moving Forward: