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The Basic Cube
(540 Card Cube)
The Basic Cube
Cube ID
Art by Tyler JacobsonArt by Tyler Jacobson
540 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by alchemyprime
Mana Pool$116.59

A very simple cube so I can help my friends learn to draft. This is a singleton cube, meant to be turned into 36 packs of a standard array. The larger size is to allow for more variety between drafts and sealed pools, but still fit within the archetypes.

The archetypes of this cube are
WU Fliers
UB Mill
RB Sacrifice Matters
RG Stompy Aggro
GW Go Tall
WB Lifegain
UR Spellslinger
BG Graveyard Shenanigans
RW Artifact Aggro
GU Big Critters Matter

I chose these with the intention of there being overlap, so you could do Temur Big Critters Matter Stompy or Esper Flier Mill.

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