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Power Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Power Cube
Cube ID
Art by Dan FrazierArt by Dan Frazier
360 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Alpha2beta
Mana Pool$2369.98

[Still in the process of adding every card to this site]

This cube is molded mostly around the Innistrad block/sets & has a tribal theme.

(W)-Human Soldier/Angel
(G)-Elves/Wolf & Werewolf

I am trying to balance it out right now. When playing it felt like there was too much removal and not enough board interaction, so I am cutting out about 1/3 of the removal. I am also thinking of cutting all the Mox's/Mana rocks... Tell me what you think. Thx.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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