Planeswalker Vorthos-Themed Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Planeswalker Vorthos-Themed Cube
Cube ID
Art by Yefim KligermanArt by Yefim Kligerman
450 Card Cube5 followers
Designed by RevRifts
Mana Pool$1792.38

A planeswalker themed cube!
Almost every card references a planeswalker in the art, the text, or the lore. The outliers are cards that synergize particularly well with the included planeswalkers, or otherwise answers some of the inherent threats within the cube.
This cube has gone through several iterations over the past 10 years. It has been enjoyed by numerous playgroups and I trust you will enjoy this medium-powered Vorthosian (lore-thematic) cube.
Draft for fun, or to practice for our next draft!

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