RL Cube
(720 Card Cube)
RL Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
720 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Qwertyalex
Mana Pool$750.58

w-u Azorius = Blink
u-b Dimir = Mill
b-r Rakdos = Suicide Aggro
r-g Gruul = Stompy/Ramp
g-w Selesnya = Tokens
w-b Orzhov = Lifegain
u-r Izzet = Spells
b-g Golgari = Graveyard
r-w Boros = Combat Tricks
g-u Simic = Value Town
5 Colour = Worldknit/Sovereign's Realm

Main drafting style is to pick a guild to be the main colours, and then potentially splash a third to get additional synergy if relevant cards come up (EG Abzan for the Golgari graveyard, and Selesnya for some of the ETB effects)

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