Battle Box
(200 Card Cube)
Battle Box
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
200 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by vizare
Mana Pool$43.59

How to Play
Players begin with a set of 10 lands in the command zone — 5 basics and 5 Campus's (or any tapped duals as long as they are the same) which they can play. I have 5 sets of lands so I can play up to 5 player. starting life total is always 20

Players draw from the Battle Box, a shared library including the whole list.

Starting hand size is 4 and the mulligan I use is you can put any number of cards from your hand on the bottom of the library and draw that many cards one time. No other rules are altered.

When making the Battle Box I tried to make each color represented as equally as possible. There are no tutors, no graveyard interactions, very little card draw, and as much scrying and top of the deck manipulation as I could put in!

Mainboard Changelist+196, -0
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