Quaint Vibes Peasant
(360 Card Cube)
Quaint Vibes Peasant
Cube ID
Art by Cynthia SheppardArt by Cynthia Sheppard
360 Card Peasant Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by QvKream
Mana Pool$437.15

Welcome all Cube lovers and gamers!
Let me introduce you to the Quaint Vibes Peasant Cube, baby brother to my vintage cube. This is a strictly peasant showcasing a diverse range of synergies entwined within its compact 360 card size!

Quick TLDR: Peasant Synergy cube designed for 6-8 person draft Strix scale 8.
Highlights: proliferate, Blink/Flicker, Sacrifice, Artifact Aggro and Reanimate!

This Cube was designed for intermediate and somewhat enfranchised players to the game, as it serves to bridge my playgroup's skill level between the Quaint Vibe's Set cube and the Vintage Cube. However, due to its affordable price point, compact size, it is often brought out at a LGS to fire off some drafts with new and old players alike!

At its core, this is a Peasant (common or uncommon only) Singleton cube
I strongly support the mantra of utilising cards from my own collection wherever possible, and despite being a Vintage Peasant cube, there were certainly card choices which may not be tuned or optimal, but serves its purpose. At a medium power level, there certainly is plenty of redundancy for selection.

Themes are not strictly guild based, so each colour contains synergistic and versatile cards to promote creativity in deck building and drafting. Due to peasant restrictions, you won't be seeing 2 card auto win combos, nor will you see un-fun bombs. Cards like sol ring and skullclamp, as well as the signets were purposely omitted. I try to craft this cube so that traditional auto slam dunk first picks are scare.
The draft rewards engines and payoffs, as well as generating value. However broadly speaking, the 10 colour pairings have the identity.

UW- Blink tempo control

A classic cube archetype, and arguably very powerful. Draft flicker engines and enter the battelfield payoffs and accrue value.
Almost every white creature has an ETB effect.
UB- Reanimate, Control, Blink

A very flexible deck type, where one can curate a strong versatile deck that dictates the game. It can call upon blacks versatile removal, creatures and graveyard resources as well as blue's spells.

RB- Sacrifice Aggro
A high risk high reward combo deck that can agressively go under the opponent, or built as a midrange to flood the board with value. Use red and black creatures that generate tokens and value on death, and sacrifice it to payoff spells. Assert dominance by controlling opponent's creatures before SACRIFICING IT. Key cards

In this cube, green is relatively coherent and focused, offering up Ramp, +1+1 counters and artifact/enchantment destruction. Green's identity makes it easy to pair with any colour, but still retains its core strategy. Here are some versatile + powerful cards of note. Most green cards are so versatile and able to slot in most decks that it's difficult to evaluate.

These cards are quite powerful, often defining the strategy to the deck.

elvish mysticfyndhorn elvesllanowar elvesllanowar visionary are strong ramp signals.


UR- Blitz, Prowess, Tempo, Spells
A difficult deck to draft in this cube, as the key spells can be heavily fought over. Draft cheap creatures that payoff with removal, counterspells and card draw to pressure the opponent.

BW- Reanimate Tokens
A top tiered archetype if drafted correctly with a grindy gameplan backed up with a combo finish. Pick up black's reanimate targets, combined with white's reanimate spells to end games quick. Knowing this, the best counter would be to draft the key cards away from the BW player.

RW- Artifact Aggro + Modular
A sleeper archetype, able to 3-0 a draft due to its raw pace. Pick up cheap 1-2 mana artifact creatures, and with enough synergy, the deck often has good end game potential compared to the usual aggro decks that run out of gas.

I would best describe the power level as flat, with many cards often being top picks in their respective draft environment. Since the draft rewards synergies between its components, games often can escalate very quickly. This format would closely resemble a strix 7.5 or close to a pioneer format but without bombs or pushed cards (hence peasant).

I strive for fairness between archetypes, with a health dose of counters to each archetype, providing a balance between proactive vs reactive, and entice flavours of aggro, control and midrange. Games are determined by tempo and developing a board state, whilst accruing advantage over 2-3 turns. Toughness 3 is the key in this cube, as it dodges most board wipes at this level. Due to a health density of removal, most creatures have ETB effects to gain value. Counterspells are valuable, but decks that have both interaction and an active gameplan will be more sucessful than interaction only

Key Combos to Know About- If you find more, let me know.
Good-fortune unicorn + Kitchen Finks + sacrifice = Lifegain
pulse of murasa + Colossal Skyturtle = 6 life a turn.
rhythm of the wild + murderous redcap + Sacrifice outlet = Infinite damage.
Archaeomancer + Eternal witness + ghostly flicker = NUTs value
Thrummingbird + Everflowing chalice = lots of mana.

Good luck! If you have any questions regarding my cube please do not hesitate to contact me. We can discuss cube design or anything

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