It's a vaguely distant Friday afternoon. The year is 1996. You're in middle school, and class has just let out. You make your way diagonally across the dusking parking lot, towards the public library where you'll meet your friends to check out some movies. It is a strangely unspecial day, and you are helplessly lost in thought. Arriving at the library before anyone else, you find yourself loitering through the sprawling shelves, enjoying the organized silence. At the end of one of the aisles, though, something sticks out awkwardly from the rack. It's a dingy cardboard box, long and squat, with a catalog label taped around the bend of its short side:
"M:TG, cards: All.,
4th Ed., Ice Age, Hml., F.Emp., Chr."
What is this? A card game? Oh, Here's the rule book...
This is an attempt at a cube representing the sets that were available when I first started playing Magic. The fantasy is that a Public Library in suburban Wisconsin obtained a booster box of each of these sets, opened them all, and organized them into a catalogued singleton collection for its patrons. This cube is less about power and more about revisiting the feeling of learning Magic and forcing junk to work. The Vanguard cards also have a good home here. Please enjoy as quietly as you want.
Vanguard Supplementary list: