Mano a Mano Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Mano a Mano Cube
Cube ID
Art by Ryan PancoastArt by Ryan Pancoast
540 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by ErikSolenberger
Mana Pool$715.36

Welcome! Mano a Mano cube is just that- a cube optimized for players playing each other one-on-one. No other players are disrupting it, just you and what you've drafted and knowledge of magic.

What to expect? Balanced cards drive most games into taking three rounds to determine the winner. Cards that synergize with each other without becoming game-winning combos on the spot.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

(What to know what the color pairs do? Look over at the multicolored section of the Cube!)

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