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Nostalgia Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Nostalgia Cube
Cube ID
Art by Quinton HooverArt by Quinton Hoover
360 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by TimWinGame
Mana Pool$5864.67

This Cube uses only cards featuring the original 1993 card frame (Unlimited - Alliances.) It is meant to feel like Magic as we played it when I first started. Multiple aggro, control, and midrange strategies as well as ramp, reanimator, and sacrifice are all included. No fast mana artifacts and/or power. Alternate versions of some culturally/racially insensitive cards have been substituted using new names and period appropriate art from early Magic artists.

Games are played with the current Magic rules, with the following exception:

All creatures use their printed creature types instead of any Oracle changes to their types.

Without this change, nearly all of the creatures in this Cube would display incorrect creature types. This simple rules change makes board states much clearer.

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