(old) Pauper Summer 2022
(360 Card Cube)
(old) Pauper Summer 2022
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
360 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by DampRice
Mana Pool$92.08

Newest iteration of my pauper cube.

New player and returning player friendly. This means that reading the card should explain the card. Over complicated mechanics (eg mutate) and mechanics that are not explained on the card (eg adventures) are not in the cube.

Also we're on a lower power level than most pauper cubes, so there's no pestilence, ponder, 1 cmc dorks, ect...

this iteration I decided to include a lot of value creatures. There are a ton of creatures that enter the battlefield and draw a card, return something from the bin, make opp discard a card, ect...

edit: lmao forgot double masters is coming out soon, will need a total rehaul of the cube then anyway

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