Party Time
(360 Card Cube)
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
360 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by LordeHermes
Mana Pool$441.68


to do

w-u Party Control w-u

All about building a big board stall and then closing out the game with evasive creatures.

u-b Rogues u-b

Cheap evasive threats that get stronger when the opponent has been milled.

b-r Party Aggro b-r

A low curve deck that uses removal and tricks to end game.

r-g Landfall r-g

Aggro deck built around playing multiple lands a turn.

g-w Counters g-w

Aggro deck that can go wide or tall.

w-b Clerics w-b

Life gain value deck.

u-r Wizards u-r

Spell based deck that come in two flavors:
u control decks with r removal.
r aggro decks with u tempo cards.

b-g Morbid b-g

Use death triggers to grind out value.

r-w Warriors r-w

Aggro deck that uses equipment to make large threats.

g-u Kicker g-u

Control/ramp deck built around kicker spells.

Change log
  • Red payoff for Kaza.
  • More interesting counter spell. Plays well with landfall and MDFCs.
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