Necromancer's Battle Box
(192 Card Cube)
Necromancer's Battle Box
Cube ID
Art by Pete VentersArt by Pete Venters
192 Card Peasant Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by ragdoll
Mana Pool$110.94

The theme of this twobert is a bunch of necromancers getting together to dick around with a bunch of corpses.

These are the goals of the cube:

  1. Heavy focus on uncommons, but other cards that feel uncommon are allowed too, like janky rares. Thinking of cards like Aryel, Knight of Windgrace.
  2. I want cards that mechanically care about the graveyard in cool ways. The yard being full, specific card types being in the yard, using the yard as a resource, filling up the yard, etc. etc.

Particularly important, I want to put more weight on the mechanics being flavorful than the fluff, so channel and bloodrush are very very similar to madness for me.

I want to avoid decks that are just piles of good cards. I'd like decks to feel like they have tight gameplans, or are otherwise dynamic and reactive.

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