Welcome to my Unified Innistrad Theory! This cube combines Innistrad, Dark Ascension, Avacyn Restored, Shadows over Innistrad and Eldritch Moon into a single 8-seat draft cube (with a few exceptions for non-Innistrad-block cards with Innistrad art like Momentary Blink and Dread Return). I'd love to update this cube if they ever create more Innistrad-themed sets/cards.
As for draft archetypes, it should be pretty straightforward, but to outline;
Mono-White: Tokens + Removal Auras
Mono-Blue: Tempo + Mill (Either Player)
Mono-Black: Reanimation (+ Kill Spells)
Mono-Red: Wide Aggro + Burn
Mono-Green: Morbid + Delirium
W/U - Spirits/Flicker
U/B - Zombies/Self-Mill
B/R - Vampires/Madness/Curses
R/G - Werewolves/Aggro
G/W - Humans/Equipment/Delirium
W/B - Tokens/Aristocrats
B/G - Delirium
G/U - Clues/Emerge (Complimented by Morbid)
U/R - Spells Matter/Flashback Spells
R/W - Mixed Aggro + Combat Tricks (Minor Human Tribal Subtheme)
This cube is going to take a radical turn, very soon. I'm going to be playing around with a total revision of the Unified Innistrad Theory on another page. I'd like to explain my motivation in full in a later post, which will be LONG. Up until now, I've been making little updates with no explanation, but I will cover these all in detail later. Right now, what you need to know is this: I've spent weeks trying to fix the curve of the cube, but none of this addresses a core problem of the cube I'm only now appreciating. On a mechanical level, the Unified Innistrad Theory does not work. The new and old are clashing to the point that the cube does not generate decks that are fun to play. I've taken the lessons I've learned from clatong's World of Innistrad cube to heart (and if you like this cube, or at least the idea behind it, check out their cube, it's awesome and I'm super jealous of how well it plays). I'm realizing that this will probably require a ground-up revision, which I won't be doing immediately, and will probably manifest as several updates over time. Just to summarize briefly, here's what I hope to achieve:
The best thing this cube has going for it is the approach to red. Original Innistrad saw red heavy in morbid, but the inclusion of Flashback, Faithless Looting, and Tibalt opens up potential for red to be the defined Discard color, which I like.
Black needs a serious revamp. I love black as the primary color of Morbid, less so as the secondary color of delirium and self-mill.
My initial attitude towards Green-Blue in Innistrad was that it was ill-defined, and the new Clue archetype should be the model for how the pair ought to play. Now I'm realizing that Green-Blue in the Dark Ascension format is my favorite version of that color pair ever (which makes sense, given how much I loved playing GU self-mill in Magic Origins), but I was unprepared for how much Morbid was key to the archetype.
White has more problems that I originally thought. The curve is fine. The themes are fine, but I worry about oversaturation with rares and legends. More on this later, but the Brisela Meld pair may be going away. :(
White-Red actually has a stronger cross-format archetype than I realized; it's basically aggro enchantress, with Aura Curses, Red enhancement auras, and white removal auras. Sadly, neither Innistrad block has overt enchantress support outside of Sigarda's Aid, but this may be a jumping-off point for the rebuild.
Skaabs will play a much bigger role in the new cube, and Mono-black will enjoy Zombie tribal support much more.
Overall, the key will be finding common themes and building on those. I may try to rebuild the cube from the Dark Ascension deck archetypes and use the new cards as supplements to those themes– as clatong did with Avacyn Restored– but only time will tell.
The First Draft of an updated Unified Innistrad Theory is up (Innistrad 2 - New World Order, if you can find it). Consider this to be a starting point for what may come; there is still a lot this version leaves to be desired. I will update more as I play around with the new design.