spice's cool and epic cube
(360 Card Cube)
spice's cool and epic cube
Cube ID
Art by Emrah ElmasliArt by Emrah Elmasli
360 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by violablepumpkin
Mana Pool$1278.49

I love cube and have always wanted to have a cube, this is my own personal cube based on what I like and I try to aim for it to be very fun! :)

ru - Artifacts/Affinity

Arifacts is a very aggresive deck based on artifact creatures and low mana threats.

It's supported through a lot of good cheap artifacts and some of the high value pickups for this deck are
Mox Opal | Steel Overseer | Karn, Scion of Urza
ub - Mill/Control

Mill is a slow paced deck based on grinding your opponents deck out with strong control pieces and having their deck as a lifetotal

The deck is mainly supported through high powered control pieces; some the high value pick ups are:
Sublime Epiphany | Teferi's Tutelage | Ominous Seas
gb - Enchantments

Enchantments Focus on having a few large threats that can draw you cards and enchantments that are either help with an aggressive plan or slow your opponent down enough to take over with card advantage

This deck really hinges a lot on disrupting your opponent to stop them from interacting with your game winning threats; some high value pick ups are:
Thoughtseize | Mire's Grasp | Oubliette
uw - Flicker

Flicker is all about value. You just wanna keep flickering and building up your board until it's too overwhelming for your opponent.

The deck can be confusing to keep track of triggers but the value train can be so fast you might end up decking yourself; here are some of the high value picks ups:
Soulherder | Sun Titan | Skyclave Apparition
rb - Reanimator
Reanimator is a midrange deck that plans to play it's threats early and end the game soon after.

The deck doesn't have the typical turn 1 or 2 reanimation but can still cheat out really scary creatures turns earlier and like fast discard and self mill; some of the high value pick ups are:
Liliana, Waker of the Dead | Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger | Ox of Agonas
gr - Stompy/Dinosaur/Enrage

This is a surprisingly high synergy deck that has a lot of the highest mana plays in the format. It's all about ramp and enrage with your really big boys.

Raging Regisaur has haste btw^
This Deck Hits hard but needs a lot of low mana ramp pieces. Once it gets going you'll be slamming in with massive guys and continuing the dino train with more and more dudes; some of the high value pickups are:
Wayward Swordtooth | Ripjaw Raptor | Destiny spinner
gu - Lands/Value

This deck is really durdly and accrews tons of value. This is one of the few decks with a proper combo finish and can have a hard time finding typical win cons. Even though the mana and card draw can be too much and it still wins with card advantage or big spells alone.

It's easy to get run over playing this deck so having some survivability is really important; some of the high value picks are:
Gilded Goose | Courser of Kruphix | Elvish Reclaimer
ugr - Storm

Storm is a high variance combo deck with a lot of ways to win. It's hard to get together but is really powerful if you can.

Storm has really easy access to cards and can rip through the deck with ease. The fizzle potential comes from it being hard to keep up with mana; some of the high value pick ups are:
Turnabout | Baral, Chief of Compliance | Life from the Loam
wbr - Cycling

Cycling is more about sticking to your gameplan and trying to maximize pieces of your deck over anything else.

This deck is all about either filling your graveyard and digging for a way to abuse it or more fairly using cycling triggers for a more aggresive gameplan; some of the high value pick ups are:
valiant rescuer | Abrade | God-Pharaoh's Gift
wubrg - 5c Soup or Niv Multicolor

The fixing in this format is good enough to support 5 color and there's a few directions you can go. Obviously 5 color good stuff is great. You can play gods with The World Tree or Niv Mizzet Multicolor

This deck is all about fixing so be sure to grab all those fetches and shocks so you can play all the strongest hardest to deal with cards in the format and have a way to beat any strategy.

The only rules changes I have is that companions are pre errata so you can cast them straight from your sideboard and the card Raging Regisaur has Haste.

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