Cloned from Halloween Themed Cube
What is this?A spooky cube for Halloween (Or all year for me!) to draft from. Focus is on the 10 archetypes, and keeping the power level high enough to have fun and nothing feels like a dud, but also low enough playing werewolves or madness doesn't feel embarrassing against control or midrange. All Cards included are 100% judged on spookiness (with a shortlist of cards altered to be spookier, but are needed for archetype to function. See end.)
If you'd like to see more in-depth about the cube you can visit or use this QR code
Every two-color combo has been made with enough overlap in theme that you can pivot from one color pair to another and still manage to come together with a functional deck. These are designed to be splashes, not full on complete pivots, so be careful not to get too greedy!
Ghostly Flicker
Tempo based deck that abuses ETB effects to win games quickly. It can be more aggro or more controlling. Depending on how hard you lean into flicker vs evasion/tokens.
Adding black into this gives you another means to abuse ETB effects, this time by pulling from the graveyard. Plus theres some great ETBs to abuse in black as well!
Stitchers Control
Mostly a control deck, but it can have a combo out of looting away a bomb early game, recur it late.
Many red cards come back out of the graveyard, giving some perfect discard fodder. What's even better is you can go full in on loot effects.
Vampiric Madness
Madness deck that utilizes mostly self discard more than madness. The cards it tosses usually can come back. Minor vampire subtheme for Falkenrath Gorger.
Green brings some more things that care about things in the graveyard giving added benefit to this discard. It even has some ways to fuel the graveyard too.
Werewolves Midrange
Good old Midrange. Lots of wolves and werewolf support, but you'll have the biggest creatures on board, and ramp and burn to back it.
Pivoting into blue gives you more control over the flip timing of your wolves by adding instants and flash
Tokens of the Dark Forest
Mass spawn tokens, then work with white and greens team pump spells to run over the opponent.
Adding blue gives the token decks a few more layers to work with. It can use its flicker to give more punch to the army in a can cards, but it can also give some tempo plays to create openings to punch through.
Cultist's Sacrifice
An almost aristocrats deck that has sacrifice, reanimation and token fodder.
Pivoting into red gives you a more aggressive lean, allowing you to burn out opponents with burn at the stake or hellrider
Death's Value
Basically good stuff midrange with a slight focus on using the graveyard as a resource.
adding white can give you more staying power into the late game and really grind out games
Cemetery Cycle
Self mill your side then do play out of the graveyard! Very combo-based.
Pivot allows you to become more resilient, going full spider spawning combo
Mad Scientist's Spells
Mad Scientist's Spells: Lots of spells matter here, play a creature that cares about it, and go ham with draw counter and burn effects.
If you pivot into white, you can merge flicker, tokens and spells matter into a go wide prowess deck
Blood Magic Agrro
This is the fastest deck with a prowess/combat matters theme. This deck want efficient low mana value creatures, and to back it up with burn and pump spells.
Welcome to the full aggro life. Green has worse early game, but the best creature late game, giving you access to the full curve to work with.
In order to keep the archetypes balanced, but add a cool variation mode, there is one extra pack with 15 commanders. This pack can be drafted, or randomly given 1 card to each player, in order to turn on brawl mode. The commanders are all spooky legendaries that don't quite fit the normal draft themes of their colors in order to find interesting cards. For example, Grimgrin, Corpse-Born will encourage drafting black Sacrifice, but that usually is the white black deck.
Partner CommandersSometimes you need a key card to make the decks run, or fill a stop-gap... I dislike altering cards
to make it work for the theme, so I tried to keep it to a low number. Currently, its less than 1%.
Here is the link to the alters:
Werewolves errated to be daybound/nightbound
I've added a lot of things to my cube to make it feel more themed and have cool upgrades! Here's a list of things I've done!
My Cube is a Dex Protection Supreme Gaming Chest with lots of ornate metalwork attached to give it a victorian gothic feel. See for yourself!
Card sleeves are 2019's halloween dragon shields. The Commanders and tokens are 2020's halloween dragon shields.
The Cube packs are Cubeamajigs' series 2 scorched lotus resealable card packs.
Each pack contains a token add with the QR code so new drafters can find archetypes and more cube information. I printed the tokens out with Make Playing Cards Printers
There was a booklet of archetypes, but I decided to replace that with the website due to it being annoying to keep updated. I plan to replace this with a mini art book.