Welcome to my oversized synergy cube! This is a deep and diverse cube, intended to be drafted by 8 players. At 900 cards, less than half of the cube will be represented in any given pod, and archetypes will vary from draft to draft. To mitigate this randomness, packs are semi-seeded to accommodate the variance due to the size of cube. To that same end, my list prioritizes glue and overlapping synergy cards, and eschews generic power outliers or "good stuff".
This cube is very friendly to multicolor decks, so each single color is held together by only one major theme.
Broad Color Overview:
The guilds, shards, and wedges all have their own flavor and archetypes that they tie into, with support and buildarounds in each of the colors they touch.
Archetypes Overview:
Usually a fliers and flash style deck, it can also be grindy when combined with black.
Primary colors
Running the gamut from all-in Arcbound Ravager to Rise and Shine value decks or Puresteel Paladin aggro, the artifacts deck is one of the most diverse and reliable archetypes in the cube.
Primary Colors
The enchantments deck comes in a few flavors, but it primarily plays with auras and hexproof creatures.
Primary Colors
Sacrifice and tokens are at their best in the faster Rakdos shells or the more grindy Orzhov decks. Even Boros aggro decks get value from taking advantageous trades.
Primary Colors
Growing your team and proliferating can get out of hand quickly in this fast and diverse archetype. Black bringing some -1/-1 counters also adds to the synergistic interactions.
Primary Colors
The most fun aggro deck in the cube. Pump spells, auras, cantrips. Get in there!
Primary Colors
My personal favorite archetype, this is deck can be aggressive, tempo, or hard control. It overlaps with lots of graveyard synergies and unlocks the strongest version of many cards in the cube.
Primary Colors
A classic midrange deck that is resilient to traditional removal and sweepers, with lots of late-game power.
Primary Colors
Generally played as a tempo spells deck, you can add black for removal and value.
Primary Colors
Go big or go home. Green is at the heart of these decks, but Red and Blue provide ample options for more proactive or reactive versions of the archetype.
Primary Colors
A more grindy archetype than the ramp deck, and gets the best value from nonbasics like fetches and channel lands.
Primary Colors
Pack seeding per player (45 cards)
30 Monocolor (6 of each)
7 Fixing
4 Artifact
4 Multicolor
With 8 players(360 cards):
240 Monocolor (48 of each)
56 Fixing
32 Artifact
32 Multicolor