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1 Drop Cube
(360 Card Cube)
1 Drop Cube
Cube ID
Art by Dan Murayama ScottArt by Dan Murayama Scott
360 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube0 followers
Designed by nprez
Mana Pool$413.99

All cards must be cmc 1 and available in a modern or m15 frame. The mana cost itself must be exactly 1 pip (additional/alternate costs and activated abilities are fine). The card must be one Magic card (no split cards, MDFCs, adventures, aftermaths, etc.).
The only exceptions to the above are a few fixing lands included to alleviate color screw.

  • No color hosing or overly narrow hate cards.

  • Cards are categorized into the color that wants them.

  • Avoiding DFCs for ease of drafting.

Because there isn't really a "curve" in the usual sense, it's harder to fit decks as neatly into traditional archetypes like aggro, midrange, and control. General principles still apply (red is more proactive, blue is more reactive, etc), but every deck is going to be playing spells very quickly.

Last Updated: VOW

Broad archetypes/subthemes

+1/+1 Counterswbgurc
Combat Tricks / Heroicwubrg
Graveyard Stuffbrgu
Spells Matter / Tempowur
nprez posted to 1 Drop Cube -
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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