3 card blind cube:
Players can add basic lands and "Fetchable tapped lands" (dual lands that come into play tapped that have both land types).
Recommended drafts: 3-4 player draft 2 packs of 6. 2 players do Winchester draft (20 cards per player with some cards face down), or 6 tik tak toe drafts. 5+ players do sealed 20 cards.
Players compete in a round robin. Players get 1 points for ties, 3 points for wins and 0 points for losing. Matches are played as 2 games alternating the starting player.
Fun variant: after competing in a round robin, players return all cards to their sideboard and compete in a second round robin. Players can use the same or different cards for the second round robin. Sum all points in both round robin to determine the winner, or maybe make the second round robin worth double points?
Explanation of 3CB format: players create decks of 3 cards. Each card starts in your hand. You do not lose the game from drawing cards when your library is empty. Players play the game with all hidden information revealed and it is assumed that players are doing the best they can to win if possible and if winning is not possible players will try to force a tie. Games of 3CB are not typical oppositional games of magic, but instead people work together as a thought experiment to determine which deck wins assuming perfect play on both sides. The result of matches can be determined by one player, or it can be fun to discuss difficult to determine results with multiple people.
Other rules that occasionally take effect: if a random event would happen the result will be the worst outcome for the player controlling the random event. The most common examples of this rule taking effect: if you shuffle cards into your library, the worst possible order for the player who controls the shuffling effect will happen. If you control a mana crypt it will deal you 3 damage every turn.
Advice for drafters: This cube is not equal in colors in the order WBGRU with White being most common and blue being least. Keep in mind the mana sources available for you. You will likely not be able to cast every card you draft, and many cards you draft will be inefficient to play. FOR MONO COLOR CARDS: One CMC cards can be played with basic lands, or utility lands. Two CMC cards can be played with depletion lands or can be played more quickly with a land+Mox. 3 CMC cards (as well as 1 and 2 CMC cards) can be played using a black lotus. 3+ CMC cards can be played using storage lands and waiting a long time. Drafting 1 storage land will open you up to be able to play any card of that color, but they are not the most efficient way of playing cards for CMC 2 or less. Storage lands are very common in this cube. FOR COLORLESS CARDS: city of Traitors or similar cards can be used to play colorless 2 CMC cards faster. FOR MULTICOLORED CARDS: you must dedicate 2 cards to producing the mana to cast them, so try and something useful things with the two cards you are using - like creature lands, or mana dorks that can attack. Bounce lands can be used to help cast multicolored cards, or can be used pay for reoccurring costs where you need to pay 2+ mana every turn.