Dr. Sargnagel's Cubitorium

Cube ID
Art by Nicola LeonardArt by Nicola Leonard

1643 Card Unpowered Budget Legacy Cube

Designed by DrSargnagelRSSQR Code

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Hi people,

to all Cube, Premodern, and Artwork fans out there: Here's my famous Old-Border Chaos Cube. This Cube consists mostly of (budget) cards from Legends to Scourge. Additionally, I've added some Old-Border Modern reprints, for example from Time Spiral Remastered and Modern Horizons 2. However, these only make up 15% of the entire Cube, to maintain the gameplay feel from the 90s.

I'm only showcasing a portion of the many cards, so it's a random selection. The wide variety of Cube cards allows for completely different decks to emerge with each draft. The Chaos draft experience can be compared to Mystery Boosters, where mostly classic archetypes arise, such as UW Control/Flyers, RG Midrange, WB Control, RB Sac/Graveyard, RW Aggro, WG Midrange, UB Discard/Control.

The mana curves peak at CMC 3, making the gameplay a bit slower than in modern Magic. Color politics were more conservative and less fluid in the past. Card draw, for example, is mainly found in Blue, while Black, White, and Red are the main colors for removal. Classic Green shines through mana fixing, ramp, strong midrange creatures, and much more.

I regularly play and test this Cube with 6-8 people, which works out very well every time. Visualized decks played can be found on the Cube's Instagram page:
