Capture the feel of MaRo's first set with modern draft design!
Accumulate slivers, buy back spells, and attack past blockers with shadow creatures. It's a fast and balanced environment with evocative art and Magic's earliest cast of characters. Below are sample deck archetypes, but there is more to explore on the plane of Rath.
SliversThey get more powerful when another joins the battle. Watch out! These ones boost your opponent's slivers too.
RecSurUse powerful spells to find and continually reuse creatures to get ahead and take out your opponent.
SlighTempest had the most efficient beaters of the time and could close out games with burn and Cursed Scroll.
UG TradewindsThis unique era build focuses on using multiple effects to bounce all of your opponent's threats and then lands before attacking for the kill.
WW ProtectionThe Tempest edition of this classic archetype focuses on making an invincible army under the tough conditions of Rath.
Black Blue ReanimatorThese two colors enable graveyard synergies to put creatures into your graveyard and bring them back for profit.
RG RampGo big and demolish your opponent with fatties and burn.
Suicide BlackUse Hatred and evasive creatures to make your opponent's life reach zero before yours does.
UR Counter PhoenixStop your opponent in their tracks and get back the tools so they never recover.
Dream HallsA block-only take on the weird TurboZvi deck, you can use Dream Halls and draw spells to play your whole deck in a single turn.
Actual decksFirst cubing session
Second cubing session
Third cubing session