DnD Battle Box
(216 Card Cube)
DnD Battle Box
Cube ID
Art by Pedro PotierArt by Pedro Potier
216 Card Battle Box Legacy Cube6 followers
Designed by hoophartid

Started with the D&D BattleBox found on MtgBattleBox.com (https://www.mtgbattlebox.com/project/forgotten-realms/)

Made 2 of all non-legendary creatures to fill out the cube. All legendaries only appear once, to you know, make them "legendarier" or something.

++Condsidering adding some of the ManLands
++Considering adding vorpal sword (which would only be able to be activated via treasures to keep the power in check)
++Considering adding other DnD Planeswalkers, but Mordenkainen is a definite no go.
++Considering having each player start with a copy of Dungeon Map in their hand.

I'm open to adding non-AFR cards, as long as they are on theme.

Adding more removal since it was released on theme :-)
Future updates to include:
More Party Support
Adventure Cards from CL:Baldur's Gate

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