Proxy Cube v2.0

Cube ID
Art by Scott M. FischerArt by Scott M. Fischer

540 Card Powered Vintage Cube

Designed by SaoirseAERSSQR Code

View in Cube Map


Every card in this cube will be re-created via Card Conjurer; when the project is done, I'll post a link to the Google Drive containing the MPC-ready image files (should you like to order a copy of the Cube!).

This Cube comes with the following rule @ manabases:

  • Each player may include up to five Guildgates in their deck (e.g. 2 UG Guildgates + 3 UB Guildgates).

The rule is intended to enable a greater number of multicolored cards in the cube without straining the manabases of decks.

Mainboard Changelist
+1, -0