Split up between Major and Minor archetypes. Gold cards are the signposts and mainly provide support for their intended archetype.
MAJOR: More support than minor, more parasitic mechanics. There should be enough support in these for two drafters to draft viable decks in the same archetype. Each archetype has 5 gold cards.
Cards currently cut due to power level, but may include after testing.
Though 6-8 players are meant to draft this, and 4 players can play sealed, this cube is also built to do a 4 player, 180 card draft. This is accomplished by having 5 packs of 9 cards, where you only include three mono colors (3*50=150) and the colorless cards (30). Though this will provide only three archetypes, the flexibility and size of the pools allows for four players to share it without issue.
Raffine's Informant for Parish-Blade Trainee
Cauldron Familiar for Gifted Aetherborn
Contortionist Troupe for Wren's Run Hydra
Cartel Aristocrat for Markov Purifier
Containment Construct for Bloodline Pretender