Clone of APD - MTGA Artisan cube
(360 Card Cube)
Clone of APD - MTGA Artisan cube
Art by Titus LunterArt by Titus Lunter
360 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by RainyCylinder52
Mana Pool$511.49

Cloned from APD - MTGA Artisan cube

MTGA Artisan cube for APD

This cube is designed for the APD crew @
Every card is of common or uncommon rarity and can be played entirely on the Magic Arena client.

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Archetypes are signaled by the gold cards. This cube rewards synergies between colors and between archetypes. Players will do well to stick to one archetype or blend two for a spicy brew.

Design goals:

  • Support archetypes that easily blend into other archetypes
  • Give players as many meaningful draft decisions as possible
  • Restrict cards to common and uncommon rarity for light wildcard usage
  • Limit the size of the cube at 360

The first four questions cube designers should ask
1 How will your cube be played?
The cube will be drafted online over at the APD discord. See link above

2 What are your restrictions?
My restrictions are

  • 360 cards
  • Magic Arena commons and uncommons (break for fixing. Rare fixing makes gameplay consistent)
  • singleton
  • no alchemy ( Alchemy is too powerful and dilutes archetypes. Plus this would be a good cube to build in paper. )

3 How powerful do you want your cube to be?
About a 4 on the strix scale. Somewhere between retail limited and standard power level. Synergies/archetypes should be the most powerful part of every deck (rather than individual card power level)

4 How does your ideal environment play?
Decks should have a consistent gameplan with adequate support and win conditions primarily focused in one to two archetypes. Players should expect to find support for each archetype. e.g. building a fast boros deck that wins with Heroic Charge having an even match up against a dimir Archfiend of Sorrows reanimator deck.

The archetypes are clearly signaled in the gold section. They will reward players for pairing their colors and lead them towards a strategy that pulls from the best of what those colors do.

Rare lands can be swapped out for dual tap lands if you don't have enough wildcards. I chose the most commonly used rare lands for this reason. Ideally you already have some of the lands and you'll craft enough of the cube that you wont need to use any wildcards anymore.

Mono Color Archetypes:
w: Aggro - Tokens
u: Control - Spells
b: Midrange - Graveyard/Death
r: Aggro - Attack/Sac
g: Midrange - Ramp/Recursion

Two Color Archetypes:

wumidrange, controlFlicker / tokens
ubcontrolReanimator / Spells in graveyard
braggro, midrangeSakdos
wbmidrangeRecursion / Aristocrats
rutempoSpellslinging / tempo
bgmidrangeGraveyard recursion / reanimate
rwaggroGo wide and pump
gumidrange, controlFlash(back) / "Island, go"


Aggro Support
One problem many cubes have is not supporting enough 1-2 drop creatures to make an aggressive curve
aggro creatures

How healthy is the power level amongst cards?
Distribution of tags

Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4

We would expect a tier distribution of 10% 45% 35% 10%

What do the top picks look like?
tier one picks

Most popular lands to craft
top x lands on arena