Commander mayhem
(1200 Card Cube)
Commander mayhem
Cube ID
Art by Johannes VossArt by Johannes Voss
1200 Card Commander Silver-bordered Multiplayer Vintage Cube1 follower
Designed by LambChops
Mana Pool$12089.37

This is my first try at a complete cube ^^. Feel free to tell me if I did something poorly.

It’s supposed to be played without any sorting (hence why there is so many lands). There are still some specific rules that the cube follows.


  • Classic commander rules apply.(No duplicate cards and no cards out of
    your commander's color identity)
  • Cards with multiple colors or split mana symbols can be placed in a deck
    as long as the card can be cast.(For example, "Crypt ghast" can be
    played in a mono-black deck but "The big idea" can't).
  • Every mono-colored legendary creature has partner.
  • If someone fails to find a commander/partner they have access to "The
    prismatic piper".
  • Conspiracies cards have to be played during their required time and
    follow the rules listed on them.
  • Hero cards start on the battlefield. They still count towards the total
    number of cards in a deck.(For example, if someone has two hero cards
    their deck will contain 97/96 cards total. 100 cards in total - 2 hero cards -1 or 2(commander)= 97/96 card in the deck.
  • The cube doesn't follow any banlist.
  • Players start at 40 life.
  • Commander damage is effective and set at 21.
  • Friendly mulligan (first mulligan is free).


  • Draft 5 packs of 20 cards
  • Take 2 cards per packs
  • Deck size is set to 100 cards commander(s) included.

The main idea behind my cube is to show people the diversity of commander games. I decided to include some very strong cards in order for people to effectively see how powerfull a commander game can be. I hope it won't make it too one-side. This cube is not set in stone and will evolve with new releases. I'll be listening to feedbacks as much as possible.

Hope you enjoyed drafting my cube ^^. Have fun and good games!

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Xantcha, Sleeper Agent --> Baron Von Count : The constant threat of the baron is great in the game, Xantcha on the other hand was not really played. The potential of draw for 3 mana wasn't good enough for most drafts.

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