Clone of Craig Wescoe's 93/94 Old School Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Clone of Craig Wescoe's 93/94 Old School Cube
Cube ID
Art by Christopher RushArt by Christopher Rush
360 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by garrettc
Mana Pool$41020.09

Source: Introducing the Old School Cube by Craig Wescoe

Important Notes

use the Alpha versions of Orcish Oriflamme and Orcish Artillery since they are each printed as costing 1R instead of 3R and 1RR respectively in Beta onward. These mana costs I think are more appropriate for this cube, giving red a little extra boost.
- Craig Wescoe


The cube has lots of individual card combos to look out for that can help give your deck a significant boost. These are a few of the noteworthy combos in the cube.

  • Twiddle + Time Vault = extra turn
  • Power Artifact + Basalt Monolith = infinite mana
  • Ball Lightning + Blood Lust + Berserk = 20 damage
  • Channel + Fireball = dead
  • Lord of the Pit + Breeding Pit = strategy win and flavor win
  • Rubinia Soulsinger + Diamond Valley / Ashnod's Altar = kill each turn
  • Icy Manipulator + Royal Assassin / Tetsuo Umezawa = kill each turn
  • Chaos Orb + Argivian Archaeologist / Guardian Beast = reusable orb
  • Winter Orb / Howling Mine + Icy Manipulator / Relic Barrier = one-sided effects
  • Land Tax + Land's Edge = 6 damage per turn

The best part is that this list of 12 archetypes is by no means exhaustive. For instance, you could draft a heavy artifact deck around Balance, a white-red deck built around Land Tax and Lands Edge, a Eureka deck with Demonic Tutor to find it, a haterade deck with all the color hosers and Jalum Tome to filter away the ones that don't work in each matchup, and perhaps there is even a way to draft a Stasis deck (with Serra Angel?). I meant it when I said one of my top priorities was to preserve as much space for imagination as possible when drafting this cube. I believe creative exploration was one of Magic's greatest strengths in the beginning, and so I wanted to make sure to capture that as best as possible with this cube. I also wanted it to be fun the twentieth time you draft it and not just the first; novelty of experience is the best way to ensure that happens.

  • White creatures
  • White Blue control
  • Mono Black
  • Red-Green-x Land Destruction
  • Grixis Reanimator
  • Green Ramp
  • Green-White Erhamgeddon
  • Jund Land Destruction ft. Nether Void
  • Blue Red Counter-burn
  • Blue Back Control
  • Mono Brown Workshop
  • Multicolor Midrange Goodstuff