Hi everyone! This is my 4 player, EDH budget cube (<$360) created for my Commander Cube Coverage article on budget cubes. In paper, it's drafted as 3 twenty card packs, with two legendaries seeded in each pack. During the draft, you take two cards per pick. Most common draft archetypes are listed below, enjoy drafting!
If you would like to playtest the cube, use the custom commander draft format and set the total seats to 4 instead of 8
Draft Archetypes:
Azorius: Blink
Gruul: Stompy
Selesnya: Tokens
Dimir: Graveyard
Boros: Aggro/Tokens
Izzet: Spellslinger
Rakdos: Aristocrats
Golgari: Reanimator
Simic: Ramp
Orzhov: Taxes/Control
Grixis: Spellslinger
Jund: Sacrifice
Naya: Tokens
Jeskai: Spellslinger
Abzan: Reanimator
Temur: Stompy
Esper: Flyers/Enchantress
Bant: Value/Blink
Sultai: Ramp
Mardu: Aggro
White: 10 removal. 4 Boardwipes
Black: 10 removal. 0 boardwipes.
Blue: 7 removal. 5 counters. 2 Boardwipe
Red: 10 removal. 3 Boardwipes.
Green: 7 Removal. 0 Boardwipes. 12 ramp.