Origami Cube

Cube ID
Art by Daniel LjunggrenArt by Daniel Ljunggren

450 Card Unpowered Legacy Cube

Designed by CleetusofGhetRSSQR Code

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Hello and welcome to my cube!

This is my first serious attempt at building a cube. The goal of this cube is to generate as many fun interactions as possible in a roughly modern power level environment. There are multiple themes spread across the color pairings, though there is support for every theme in every color. As such, drafting and deck construction should be pretty freeform, and players are encouraged to look for interactions between cards and creating archetypes of their own!



Enter the battlefield effects can be so good, so why not do it again?

Tempo your opponent out while you churn through your deck until you land some high-value targets. Reflector Mage helps to slow your opponent down and can gum up their hand, especially if done more than once. While you keep your opponent's board clear, draw through your deck with Mulldrifter until you find a game-winning piece, like Agent of Treachery. This deck can be fairly slow, but wins by ultimately drowning your opponent out in endless value.

You can take it a step further by looping all your permanents every single turn with both Yorion, Sky Nomad and Parallax Wave, or draw through your entire deck and slam a Thassa's Oracle for the win!


Overwhelm your opponent with resilient creatures and powerful interaction!

While zombies tend to be brainless, here they are a little more clever. Cards like Midnight Reaper and Headless Rider provide both card advantage and boardstate while your resilient threats like Gravecrawler and Relentless Dead leverage the graveyard. Overcharged Amalgam and Murderous Rider keep you opponent off their gameplan while The Scarab God and your horde of zombies close out the game.



Red and green are the primary colors of lands. With the goal of ramping harder than anyone else, lands is able to leverage their vast resources to outvalue their opponent by going both wide and tall with cards like Avenger of Zendikar, or can lay down the punishment with Wildfire. Lands can turn that sacrifice into an advantage with Titania, Protector of Argoth, or can just nullify the downside with a Crucible of Worlds.

This archetype plays very nicely with other colors, as it tends to pick fixing very highly. Don't be afraid to pick up some high value pieces along the way!




bGraveyard Valueg


A unique take on the spells deck, blending themes of burn, tempo, and tokens, the spellslinger deck is extremely flexible and can lend itself well to a wide variety of situations.
Monastery Mentor and Young Pyromancer generate a large amount of tokens, turning each of your spells into a 2-for-one. Pump your team with Leonin Lightscribe or Agusta, Dean of Order; the latter of which can provide early game rummaging or late game cascading on its Plargg, Dean of Chaos face. To close out the game, utilize the large amounts of interaction at your disposal to clear the way for your army, then finish your opponent out with a Lightning Bolt to the face.

uSelf Millg

A blend of lands and graveyard, self mill looks to fill the graveyard with a wide assortment of cards, none of which will be staying very long. Loop your instants and sorceries with Skyway Robber or Ethereal Forager, or simply leverage the sheer amount of cards in the graveyard by delving them away with a Dig Through Time. Grolnok, the Omnivore turns your mill into draw, turning your Thought Scour, Mental Note, and Otherworldly Gaze into Ancestral Recall!

To close out the game, you have multiple angles of attack. You can overwhelm your opponent with recursive threats like Skyway Robber or Centaur Vinecrasher, get in with a massive Slogurk, the Overslime or Splinterfright, or go all the way in with Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac.


As new subthemes are discovered within the cube, I will add them into this section.

wbr - Mardu Artifact Reanimator


I've added both these cards to add some more decision making to the drafting process, and interact with the draft in ways you wouldn't normally. Deal Broker may be cut, just for having a less impactful draft interaction, and I'm tempted to mimic Caleb Gannon in giving each player access to their own Cogwork Librarian at the beginning of the draft. These decisions are just going to come down to testing.


1 Overly Complex Mechanics
In order to simplify game states, mechanics, particularly status mechanics, such as Daybound, Monarch, and Initiative, as well as ability counters, have been excluded. As much as I would love to run Suspicious Stowaway, I would rather sacrifice good cards for a cleaner format.
2 Super Fast Mana
Effects like Sol Ring or Basalt Monolith are just too powerful. I initially excluded signets as well, however I am currently making space for them, as high mana value spells aren't very feasible to cast without reliable access to ramp.
3 Combos For The Sake Of Combos
Kiki Combo is a mainstay of most cubes. While Kiki-Jiki itself is a good card, and it combos with other relevant cards, the rrr cost is too much to be worth running for the sake of combos. Other cards, like Safehold Elite or Vizier Of Remedies, simply don't bring enough to the table outside of their combo potential. Combos that appear in this cube are there incidentally, and aren't meant to feel forced into the format.
4 Storm
Another mainstay of cube, but is highly parasitic. Too many card slots are taken up by cards nobody else wants, like Desperate Ritual, Past In Flames, or Tendrils Of Agony, which makes for a worse draft format. The gameplay is overall uninteresting as well. Long turns, massive blowouts, and fizzled combos lead to bad feels.