D&D Players Cube 270
(268 Card Cube)
D&D Players Cube 270
Cube ID
Art by Howard LyonArt by Howard Lyon
268 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Fighter1942
Mana Pool$1014.07

D&D inspired Cube. This one is for the player characters and is based on the D&D classes, races, and spells.

Color Pairs:
White-Blue: Dungeons (flicker and bounce), control
White-Black: Dungeons (reanimator and flicker)
White-Red: Aggro and Equipment
White-Green: Tokens and +1/+1 counters
Blue-Black: Rogues (unblockable attackers, mill, library exile)
Blue-Red: Spellslinger, dice rolling
Blue-Green: Ramp, creatures, card advantage, clues
Black-Red: Party aggro
Black-Green: Graveyard Stuff
Red-Green: Ramp Aggro

Classes Included:
Artificer: Artificer
Barbarian: Barbarian or Berserker
Bard: Bard, or cards with Bard in name
Cleric: Cleric
Druid: Druid
Fighter: Warrior
Monk: Monk
Paladin: Knight
Ranger: Ranger or Scout
Rogue: Rogue
Sorcerer: Shaman
Warlock: Warlock
Wizard: Wizard

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