Commander Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Edward P. Beard, Jr.Art by Edward P. Beard, Jr.
540 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by SpaceRelated
Mana Pool$648.68
The Rules
  • Go to The Commanders List and draft commanders
  • Draft 4 packs of 15 cards here
  • Choose one of your commanders, and build a 50 card deck following color identity rules. Unlike normal
    commander, hybrid mana is allowed in either color of deck.
  • Play with a starting life total of 30
The Archetypes

The cube plays with 3 color archetypes. The commanders are distributed so that each three color archetype has two three color commanders, and three two color commanders. The goal is to have some narrow and some broad commanders in each bunch.
BANT: Enchantments
ESPER: Blink/Enter the Battlefield Effects
GRIXIS: Graveyard Recursion
JUND: Sacrifice
NAYA: Ramp
ABZAN: Legends
JESKAI: Non-Creature Synergy
MARDU: Voltron
TEMUR: +1/+1 Counters
SULTAI: -1/-1 Counters

Notes: This cube is mostly built from my personal collection, with proxying to a minimum. I'm happy to take criticism on card inclusions or lack of cards. The goal is 480 cards at a 5-Slow (Strix Scale) power
level. It's obviously well below that level now, we're slowly building.

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