The Un-cube is a mix of all four un-sets. However, it is heavily based in Unstable as this is the more complete draft format.
While the archetypes are not nearly as even as in other cube environments, the draft experience is still very strong.
Remember that there are 48 Contraptions in this cube, which means the body of the cube is not 360 cards. This is fine as I seed 2 contraptions-in every 15 card pack. What follows is a description of each archetype.
AzoriusSo many of the White and Blue creatures are artifact creatures in addition to their normal types. Making this deck very synergistic. Sacrifice the artifacts you don't want to the new ones you do, and assemble those contraptions. You can play a ton of contraptions. Also, you can build some watermark matters here with Knight of the Widget.
DimirEvasion says it all, flyers, menace, Blurry Beeble, and Phoebe, Head of S.N.E.A.K.. Go deep on evasion, and pick up removal where you can and anything that incidentally assembles contraptions and is on game plan. Spell Suck, Finders, Keepers, this is where we want to be.
RakdosThis deck tends to be a good stuff deck, and can be very effective. Prioritize the 2 hybrid rakdos cards: Mary O'Kill and The Big Idea when you see them. They will not wheel. The deck is semi-control as you have access to the best removal in the cube. Don't ignore cards like Wrench-Rigger and Work a Double. They can work for you too. Play big threats like Old-Fashion Vampire, The Big Idea, and Grusilda, Monster Masher, then you can dominate the late game.
GruulDraft the goblin riggers tribe and just curve out as they assemble contraptions and accrue value for you. This deck can easily play 7-10 contraptions in a single game, and that is your game plan. If it is green or red and says "assemble a contraption" grab it. Grab red's burn if you can get ahold of it.
SelesnyaThe is the best version of the Augment deck. You get access to both Teacher's Pet and Clever Combo, which can take your deck from decent to really consistent. Unfortunately, you have to prioritize your hosts over all else except the tutors, which means you are frequently lower on removal and contraption synergy. If there are no augment cards in the pack, this is what you are looking for.
OrzhovBlack is the other color that augment really exists in. While it does not have tutors, it has the same number of hosts as green and white, and roughly the same number of augments as well. Black is a great splash color for any augment deck, or you can go straight Orzhov as you still get Teacher's Pet, and I would draft it over all else. Consistency is key. The good news is that this version of the augment deck as access to black's removal package. Making it a little more interactive than the Selesnya version of the deck. You can also try and do some Knight synergy with Syr Cadian, Knight Owl but you need to scoop him when you see him. He is a 4/4 with vigilance in any white deck, only you can give him flying.
GolgariThere are two decks here, Squirrel tribal and Augment. Similar to Orzhov Augment, the reason to go green black is black's removal package and density of hosts/augment cards. The linchpin card here is clever combo, which serves as another copy of every host/augment card in your deck, but you can also build the squirrel deck here as well. Earl of Squirrel, Snickering Squirrel and Acornelia, Fashionable Filcher and make the tribal dream a reality. Grab Chittering Doom when you see it as the Simic deck wants it badly.
SimicPippa, Duchess of Dice is the guidepost card for this deck. Cards like Willing Test Subject, As Luck would have it, and even some of the old UnGlued Cards like Clam-I-Am. Anything that will let you Roll and gain value. Don't be afraid to grab some of Blue's contraption synergy or removal. You are going to need it. Green uses combat tricks as removal and you should too. If you skip out on these things, you will roll a bunch of dice, but you will lose a lot too.
IzzetAlas, Alexander Clamilton is not much of a guidepost, but this is a contraption color pair. Grab the red "assemble a contraption cards" and then grab blue's artifact synergies pieces as well. The upside is that you get Blue's removal, the downside is that Unstable did not really support strong Izzet decks, so you are fighting a little bit of an uphill battle. Still Blue's enchantment based removal is some of the best, and red's burn is not condition removal the way black's is, so you can be very effective on this axis.
BorosThis is another deck that was not heavily supported in Unstable draft, but many of white's creatures are "Riggers" which can synergize well with Steamflogger Boss. Similar to Izzet you are looking to play white's artifact synergies with Red's Contraptions (which are artifacts) to synergy and victory. Stet, Draconic Proofreader is your multicolored card, but honestly, he is just a good stuff dragon. Don't let that hurt your feelings though, the 4/4 body plus flying is good enough that other red decks will just steal him, so grab him if you can. Only you can take full advantage of him.
I have included tap lands to smooth mana-fixing, and all the basics are from different sets. This helps cards like symbol status become much higher picks.
Here is a link to my video on the un-cube and how you can build your own: