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Uri's Commander Cube
(1001 Card Cube)
Uri's Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mike BierekArt by Mike Bierek
1001 Card Commander Multiplayer Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by Dragonsoup
Mana Pool$5741.17

Hello! This is my Commander cube, which my friends and I have been playing for a few years now! It's evolving constantly, trying new things, and overall a blast to draft and play :)

Draft rules: 5 packs of 20 cards, then build your 100-card deck using the usual rules for deckbuilding in commander. You mush draft your commander during the draft as well!

To help facilitate 1&2 color decks, We house rule that 2 color deck may contain 95 cards and 1 color decks may contain 90 cards (instead of 100).

Additionally, to help prevent "feelsbad", if a draft is going poorly for someone, they can request a sliver queen as commander (which they then must stick with), and continue the draft as normal.

I hope you enjoy the cube, commander in general and commander-cubing in specific! Hit me up for any questions or remarks :)

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