This cube is inspired by a random Ryan Saxe tweet I came across and saw his Constructed Cube
and went, great I needed a new cube obsession. First off, a dirty little secret. I don't like limited. I love constructed. I need repetition to get good at something and limited is difficult for me to get it up for. My favorite cube is my Two Headed Giant Cube just because I don't feel as alone in the process of drafting and planning on the fly.
I also hate the feeling of "oh I want to play this card I drafted, but I didn't draw my 1 card in 40". I hate it so much. This solves that problem for me in the most expensive way possible.
Lastly, this is an amalgamation of my favorite constructed archetypes.
Breakdown(the breakdown is either the intro of Goonies Never Say Die by Set Your Goals or Tower of Snakes by Eighteen Visions
There are 360 cards in the draft cube. After draft everyone grabs the rest of the 4 of from....I'm figuring out how best to store this, feedback welcome. Packs of 15 cards, normal 3 pack draft. Build a 60 card deck with a 15 card sideboard and that's it. You can change your deck and sideboard between rounds, not games. Or 80 if you're playing Yorion, Sky Nomad.
Most of the archetypes are based on Modern decks with generous splashes of Legacy and Modern banned cards. While this raises the power of the decks, multiple archetypes will want those cards and we're rarely going to get the perfect Legacy Delver deck coming out of a draft(or so I hope).
ArchetypesBant Company
Small creatures, coming to synergistically ruin your day. Not only do we have Collected Company to power them out we are run Aether Vial which does leg work in multiple archetypes as a backup plan. We fit in different eras of Bant CoCo from Knightfall combo to Death & Taxes feeling moments. You can do a lot in this space and Recruiter of the Guard your able to find silver bullets as needed.
Esper Blink
I love Soulherder could be the description of this archetype, but I don't think that fully encapsulates it. Aether Vial in your Skyclave Apparition to exile their only threat after you have hit turn 1 Grief with Ephemerate. This is for mean people doing mean things and being very pleased with themselves.
Grixis Phoenix
I can hear the Modern players already mad we are playing three colors. We are taking some cues from the Legacy iterations of Arclight Phoenix decks and crossing it with, possibly the most fun deck I've ever played, Waste Not Phoenix. This is for those brave souls among us who just want to hang on and have fun. This deck can reward bad plays and REALLY rewards good plays.
Jeskai Pyromancer
Pyromancer Ascension is my favorite (good) version of storm in Modern's history. I think the lines are fun, any deck I can run Lightning Helix in is already a huge win to me. You also get the pivot plans of Murktide Regent, Young Pyromancer and Aria of Flames. This gives you a combination of options. See what I did there? I think I'm funny.
Mardu Martyr
I love Martyr of Sands. Too much. I force the deck when it isn't good(which is since Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis, we were great against the Phoenix decks). In Mardu you get some interesting options. I have run Martyr with Boros Charm and the "all your permanents are indestructible" mode is a real blowout. Red also gives us a traditionally Soul Sisters tool in Norin the Wary and Impact Tremors. We keep returning our creatures, why not burn the opponent while executing our game plan? Black gets us recursion, Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord is basically the card we always wanted and life gain and drains like Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Sanguine Bond.
When in doubt Jund 'em out. This shouldn't make sense in your head, it should make sense in your heart. We're playing beefy efficient creatures like Death's Shadow, Stormbreath Dragon and Bob (Dark Confidant). We're Fatal Pushing and Maelstorm Pulsing. We have Thoughtseize and no one expects the Inquisition of Kozilek. It's Jund, let's not overthink this.
Temur Twin
First off, Splinter Twin should never be unbanned in Modern. It's not a fun deck to play against and it's not like Izzet needs the help right now. I wanted to make the deck go into three colors to pull the combo off. My preferred version is with Bounding Krasis but there are other options as well. You get to play the classic Tarmo Twin, with you know 6 years(Twin got banned when Oath of the Gatewatch came out, think about that) of upgrades and less bans.
Sultai Eternal Command
I fully admit this is cheating. The original Eternal Command was a Temur deck by Shouta Yasooka. It's possibly the coolest use of Aether Vial I've ever seen. You basically loop Eternal Witness and Cryptic Command by using your Vials. Sprinkle in beaters like Grim Flayer that help stock the graveyard and Familiar's Ruse to also return creatures to your hand only to Vial them in again. It's a great time with a ton of different play patterns depending on what you draft.
Naya Landfall
Did you come here for an fast game? Naya wants to play Steppe Lynx and Akoum Hellhound and hit hard. I made the conscience choice to not run fetchlands, except Prismatic Vista but we make up for that with Harrow effects, Reckless Rage and Mass Hysteria to give haste and Explore effects to play multiple lands per turn. Oh, also, we can Life from the Loam them back as needed to go long. Not that we need to.
Abzan Reanimator
This one got weird. I started building Abzan counters and then I thought, what if I add Arcbound Ravager? And we're off to the races. You get Affinity past and present classics like Urza's Saga and Arcbound Worker with counter adders like Winding Constrictor, Conclave Mentor and Hardened Scales. For an end game you can ping with Walking Ballista or Disciple of the Vault. This archetype is the hardest to draft to me at present.
I lied, it's Abzan Reanimator now. I already had most of the pieces in and now I have a real interesting archetype that can go into blue for things like Gifts Ungiven.
Fun Things I Added for ChaosThe Mangara Lock.
For those of you who don't know, this is what Legacy Death & Taxes used to be all about. Mangara of Corondor's ability on the stack and untap, blink or bounce Mangara, exiling their permanent without sacrificing yours. It's a great feeling.
It is my dream to draft the perfect Vialstill deck in this cube. Make it happen.
Mindlink Mech shenanigans
If you crew the mech with a creature with fun abilities, like Cephalid Constable or Cold-Eyed Selkie you can turn small advantages into huge blowouts.
Phyrexian Dreadnought & Eater of Days
Normally, you have to sac 12 power worth of creatures, but worry not! Hushwing Gryff, Dress Down and Torpor Orb to the rescue! Remember you get four of each if you draft them, you will have redundancy. And for bonus points, they stop Twin.
I stuck a small reanimator package in with the usual suspects, Archon of Cruelty, Serra's Emissary, Animate Dead. You know, the usu.
Dread Presence & Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
Build your own Valakut! As long as both cards are on the battlefield, each land is a Swamp, triggering Dread, rinse, wash repeat.
Eldrazi Prison
Ancient Tomb and friends are here to stop fun and hit hard! Have you ever cast a turn one Archon of Emeria into turn 2 Thought-Knot Seer? It's great, I recommend it.
Companions, but not all of them.
At about the 330 card mark I started thinking about interesting cards and realized, I have a low curve in all colors, Lurrus of the Dream-Den would be work in a lot of places, oh look Esper Blink loves Yorion, Sky Nomad. It felt weird having only 2 companions, so I decided to use all the companions that see regular Modern play adding Obosh, the Preypiercer and Jegantha, the Wellspring into the cube. They are draftable like every other card, you have four to work with and can use them as a Companion, but you can just play three Lurrus maindeck if you want to.
That was a lot. I hope you enjoy the cube and tell me what you think!