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Conspiracy: Take the Crown Cube
(600 Card Cube)
Conspiracy: Take the Crown Cube
Cube ID
Art by Kieran YannerArt by Kieran Yanner
600 Card Multiplayer Set Cube0 followers
Designed by BolasAgent
Mana Pool$305.16
Themes of the Cube
  • Set Cube "Conspiracy:Take the Crown"
  • Draft Matters
  • Multiplayer Matters
Cube Construction

The Backbone of the Cube was designed to mimic what could happen in a real Conspiracy 2 Draft. Though it doesn't follow the exact pack construction you would find cracking packs, it is similar.
600 Cards total in Cube.

  • Breakdown
  • 4 of each Common
  • 2 of each Uncommon
  • 1 of each Rare
  • 1 of each Mythic Rare

The 4/2/1/1 distribution allows each card to appear enough times per draft as you would expect in normal pacts. This pack has 600 cards so that breaks down like so:

  • 8 players x
  • up to 5 packs each
  • 15 cards a pack.
Extra Cards

This cube has a few extra cards to flesh out to cube to help get to the 600 card total. These extra cards were added to help support multicolor play. And then a few low impact colorless cards.

Evolving Wilds x 16 instead of just 4
Spy Kit x 3 instead of 2
Opaline Unicorn x 6 instead of 4
Rogue's Passage x 4 instead of 2
Dread Statuary x 4 instead of 2
Runed Servitor x 4 instead of 2
Ascended Lawmage x 3 instead of 2
Shipwreck Singer x 3 instead of 2
Carnage Gladiator x 3 instead of 2
Gruul War Chant x 3 instead of 2
Juniper Order Ranger x 3 instead of 2
Knights of the Black Rose x 3 instead of 2
Pharika's Mender x 3 instead of 2
Coiling Oracle x 3 instead of 2
Stormchaser Chimera x 3 instead of 2
Akroan Hopilite x 3 instead of 2
Adriana's Valor x 5 instead of 4
Hired Heist x 5 instead of 4
Assemble the Rank and Vile x 5 instead of 4
Incendiary Dissent x 5 instead of 4
Natural Unity x 5 instead of 4


So you can draft the normal 3 packs per player and have a significant amount of chaff left in the "shoe" as to ensure each draft isn't the same each time you play the cube. Or you can power up your draft by drafting by adding additional packs (go to 4 or even 5) increasing the likelihood of more uncommons and rares/mythics make it into your deck, but remember you will also increase the likelihood of some of the very powerful commons in significant numbers are there too. And increases the time drafting takes, however since draft matters the game is already afoot.

Seeding Boosters Packs

Just randomize the whole cube and build the packs. There is no special seeding required.

Suggested minimum of 4 players to draft. Supports up to 8 players max.

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