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Clone of Sultai TwoBert
(180 Card Cube)
Clone of Sultai TwoBert
Cube ID
Art by Chris RahnArt by Chris Rahn
180 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by darkquarterer
Mana Pool$17981.88

A Two or Four player cube meant for the inbetween times.

Two player draft: Each players drafts 8 packs of 7. Take 2 cards swap, 2 more cards swap, 1 card and then discard the rest of the pack.

Four player draft: Each player drafts 3 packs of 15 in the standard style.

Power is meant to aim around legacy level.

Archetypes are as follows:
U/G: Value opposition or time walk piles
B/G: Lands and Sacrifice
U/B: Reanimator/Tinker
U: Artifact synergies
B: Stax
G: Stompy
U/B/G: Value
U/B/G: Wheels

Each archetype is meant to bleed into another to make different strategies open to different players while keeping card count low.

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