Best of 2022 Limited
(384 Card Cube)
Best of 2022 Limited
Cube ID
Art by Irina NordsolArt by Irina Nordsol
384 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by junkmail
Mana Pool$95.58

A cube celebrating the limited formats of 2022. It's like a limited all-stars event!

Cut the rares for a 360 card cube or leave them in for a slightly higher-power 400 card cube.

The goal was to include iconic cards in the limited format from each of the 4 standard limited formats of this year to make a fun, dynamic budget cube that gives you a deck with a power level just above that of a standard draft. I've tried to include cards which were defining of their limited formats, especially in the common and uncommon slots, but not a ton of cards which are extremely strong in standard - so you won't see Fable of the Mirror Breaker in here, but you will see The Shattered States Era. (There are a few exceptions - notably Reckoner Bankbuster, which was included to give vehicles some teeth.)

The colors are designed to not push any theme or archetype too much - every color should find its place in aggressive, midrange or controlling strategies. Some tribal strategies - like DMU defenders, BRO soldiers and NEO enchantments - might not have the support that they had in their respective limited formats, but should still be possible.

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