Multiplayer Vintage Cube
(480 Card Cube)
Multiplayer Vintage Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
480 Card Multiplayer Powered Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by linuxxx

This is a vintage multiplayer cube.
Apart from the usual 4 player free-for-all, games can played with team formats (i.e. you usually have at least a few other player not against you); for us these usually are "free-for-all two-headed giants" [1] (4, 6 or 8 players), "emperor" [2] (6 players) or "no-color-restrictions star" games [3] (5 players).

Drafting for this cube is done with three 15 cards packs in a usual clockwise - counter clockwise - clockwise configuration with all players (4-8 recommended). Deck minimum is 50 cards (instead of the standard of 40), this is to avoid players milling out on their own in longer multiplayer games.

Special focus in this cube is on multiplayer-specific cards as well as the generally longer nature of multiplayer games. In these games, hitting 5 lands (without ramping) is common (and can be seen as midgame) and 7/8 land drops are hit in many games.


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