Let the Peasants Eat BREAD!
(450 Card Cube)
Let the Peasants Eat BREAD!
Cube ID
Art by Zoltan BorosArt by Zoltan Boros
450 Card Peasant Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by itskitt
Mana Pool$223.26

Let the Peasants Eat Bread! is a cube that aims to imitate the spirit of classic archetypes from the eternal formats at a fraction of the price. Instead of costly staples such as Tarmogoyf, the cube runs “Tarmogoyf at Home” cards like Reclusive Taxidermist and Saddled Rimestag. Some of the familiar strategies within the cube include Delver, Aristocrats, and Blade; a protect-the-threat build that utilizes a high count of instants and sorceries, a creature-based sacrifice deck, and an aggressive equipment deck, respectively. Many of the removal spells from eternal formats like Swords to Plowshares, Lightning Bolt, and Fatal Push remain, and as such, creatures must offer either immediate value upon entering or a continued threat if left unchecked.

Table of Contents

Last updated: January, 2023


  • Aesthetic Design Principles
  • Gameplay Design Principles


  • Esper D&T Control // Abzan "The Rock"
  • Grixis Delver // Jeskai Prowess
  • Jund Attrition // Mardu Aristocrats
  • Naya Blade // Temur Blitz
  • Bant Flicker-bounce // Sultai Graveyard

Stats for Nerds (outdated)

  • Removal
  • Card Advantage

To be Added


Aesthetic Design Principles:

  • Only cards which have (at one point) been printed as common/uncommon
  • Modern card borders for consistency
  • No "Universes Beyond"
    • Despite their high power, I find these cards stand out like a sore thumb from the rest of the MTG multiverse.
  • Minimal variety in the type of counters and specialty frame cards.
    • In this case, +1/+1 counters are the dominant type of counter, while transform and adventure are the dominant specialty frames. There are some exceptions to this rule, but only because the selected cards offer a very high power level.

Gameplay Design Principles:

  • Fun, interactive games
    • Although there are a handful of hexproof and unblockable creatures to support control and equipment-based decks, they have been kept to a minimum. I've kept Lumberknot and Ascended Lawmage as finishers for B/G/x Aristocrats and U/W/x Control, but cut Vine Mare as it doesn't feed into a strategy and hates on one colour.
    • Similarly, stand-alone cards which would warp the format due to their power level such as Hymn to Tourach, Sol Ring, Skullclamp, and Loxodon Warhammer have been excluded.
  • Minimal Double-Pip 2-Drops
  • Opportunity for high-synergy decks, but not at the cost of powerful spells
    • The aim here is to limit cards that with a high ceiling and low floor; cards like Zulaport Cutthroat and Elusive Spellfist what become a vanilla 1/1 and 1/3 for 2-mana frequently in decks not designed around their archetypes. Instead the cube has Blood Artist and Sky Theater Strix, which offer more power when played outside of a synergy-heavy deck.
  • No use of the initiative or monarch; these cards are designed for multiplayer games and warp the 1v1 draft experience too much.
Primary Archetypes

wu-b Esper Control u-bw

With a premium suite of removal spells and bulky creatures like Wall of Resurgence and Vampire Nighthawk at your disposal, the aim is to stall until the late-game. Replenish your hand with Deep Analysis, Treasure Cruise or level the board with Inner Demon and Slaughter the Strong. Finally, close out the game with large, disruptive creatures like Archon of Absolution and Skymark Roc. If you can snap up Flickerwisp or other flicker effects, Keening Banshee, Mist Raven, and other ETB creatures allow you to pivot into a recursion build akin to the Bant model, but more focused on interrupting your opponent rather than developing your own resources.

ubr Grixis Delver rbu

Under-costed evasive threats such as the namesake Delver of Secrets, Tolarian Terror, and Gurmag Angler form the backbone of this archetype. Once one sticks on the board, protect it with blue counterspells and clear blockers with cheap removal such as Lightning Bolt, Arc Trail, and Fatal Push.

urw Jeskai Pyromancer urw

Ever wanted to cram as many Young Pyromancers as you can in one deck? The Jeskai archetype is here for exactly that. Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart and Rally the Peasants alongside Blue, White, and Red's cheap instants and sorceries make for a token-generating, prowess-triggering, card-drawing machine.

bgr Jund Attrition rgb

JUND. EM. OUT! - Similar to the rock, this is a classic value-based archetype. Both want to play as many high-power two-drop cards as they can: Battle Cry Goblin, Reclusive Taxidermist, Bloodsky Berserker and their like. However, the deck plays less mid- to late-game threats in favour of Red's burn spells: Magma Jet, Stoke the Flames, and Curse of the Pierced Heart. Green and Black support the deck with must-be-dealt with creatures like Wolfir Avenger and Falkenrath Noble.

rwg Naya Blade gwr

Utilize small creatures with big keywords: Mayhem Patrol, Adanto Vanguard, Untamed Kavu and sharp objects that they can and WILL run with. Couple the lil' guys with artifacts such as Rosethorn Halberd, Plate Armor, and Grafted Wargear or enchantments like Madcap Skills and Rancor to bash down your opponent's life total. To round out the deck, Galvanic Blast and Sweatworks Brawler reward playing additional artifacts.

rgu Temur Blitz ugr

Pivoting between aggro and tempo, Temur Blitz plays threats that grow with game actions you intend to take already: Brushfire Elemental, Electrostatic Infantry, Jeskai Elder. Couple these with pump spells like Sylvan Might, Reckless Charge, Temur Battle Rage and Become Immense while restocking your hand with Blue draw to deal mass amounts of damage.

wug Bant Recursion guw

A tempo deck which utilizes enter-the-battlefield effects such as Mist Raven, Relief Captain, Resolute Reinforcements, and Elvish Visionary to outvalue the opponent. Flicker, bounce, and graveyard recursion - Flickerwisp, Quickling and Eternal Witness - allow the deck to repeat these ETB effects and seize the victory.

gwb Abzan Rock bwg

A timeless midrange deck that plays a suite of premium removal spells such as Swords to Plowshares and Fatal Push alongside hand disruption:Raven's Crime, Kitesail Freebooter, and Inquisition of Kozilek. Quirion Dryad, Bloodsky Berserker and other efficient creatures form the lower curve, while Bestial Menace, Cloudgoat Ranger, and Arborback Stomper close the game.

Stats for Nerds

A healthy suite of removal and card advantage spells are essential to a successful draft environment. For this cube's reference, I used original Innistrad and Modern Horizons 2 due to their fast-paced and synergy-driven environments.

The statistics below do not account for cards with more than one function and as such, these were counted twice; Archmage's Charm is counted as both off-field removal (counterspell) and board removal (gain control) while Dihada's Ploy is counted as a card replacement and card selection effect, depending on whether it was cast for its first or second time.

Innistrad (Set size: 264)
Removal in Innistrad

Board RemovalOff-field RemovalTemporary RemovalTotal

Card Draw in Innistrad


Modern Horizons 2 (Set size: 303)
Removal in Modern Horizons 2

Board RemovalOff-field RemovalTemporary RemovalTotal

Card Draw in Modern Horizons 2


Based upon these results, 1-3 removal spells and 1 draw spell should appear on average in packs. Excluding removal that is off-field or temporary and card draw that is replacement or selection brings these numbers to between 1.5 and 1.8 removal spells per pack and between 0.67 and 0.75 card draw spells per pack.

Removal in Let the Peasants Eat BREAD

Board RemovalOff-field RemovalTemporary RemovalTotal

Card Draw in Let the Peasants Eat BREAD


For every 15-card pack of Let the Peasants Eat BREAD, there will be about 3 general removal spells (19.3%) or 2 board removal spells and 1 other, be it temporary or off-field removal. The consistency of removal is akin to Modern Masters 2, albeit with more board removal.

Card draw in Let the Peasants Eat BREAD is significantly higher than the two reference sets, averaging at 2 spells per pack (2.34). Unlike removal spells, which I will aim to keep below or akin to that of Modern Horizons 2, I see an increase in card draw as an absolute advantage. Where removal can result in "feel bad" gameplay, card advantage often feels great for the player who gains advantage without any negative feelings from their opponent.

To be Added

*is marked for replacements I have already found

In recent plays of the cube, I've found aggro suffered and aristocrats could be easily outpaced by larger creatures and that the cube is lacking in powerful on-board investments which are of crucial importance in a format with few available draw spells. I want any activated ability to threaten the board in a way that is akin to "oh, a couple more activations of that could the game" in order to justify inclusion in a removal-intensive environment. See Dreadmalkin, Evernight Shade, Fearless Pup.

itskitt posted to Let the Peasants Eat BREAD! -

I desperately want a Stormbreath Dragon for Peasant :(

I don't even need all the extra abilities, just give me a five-mana 4/4 flying + haste.

After about three minutes of testing, Shivan Branch-Burner is just not it. Drawing this dragon on an empty board feels like a wasted slot for Red aggro and if you can convoke it down to 4 or 5 mana, you might already be winning.

Viashino Sandsprinter joins the ranks for now.

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