[Arrchive] “The Pauper Cube” - CMR/KHM update
(420 Card Cube)
[Arrchive] “The Pauper Cube” - CMR/KHM update
Art by Magali VilleneuveArt by Magali Villeneuve
420 Card Pauper Legacy Cube0 followers
Designed by beatsandskies
Mana Pool$2561.62

Being a fan of older cards and new to cubing I thought it’d be a good idea to find a solid list from when this type of play was just emerging into the wider Magic ecosystem. If I put one of those together it’d give me a good baseline to learn from and then start adjusting to suit my preferences. The problem was that most the historical examples available from the Invitational and on MTGO were powered. Not really what I was after.

Refining my search to Pauper cubes I discovered that Adam Styborski‘s “The Pauper Cube” was one of the earliest of note, and one that is highly regarded by the community as a whole. And yeah: it looked pretty solid to me. The problem being that older versions of it weren’t really that well documented — at least not that I was able to find. What I was able to find was a spreadsheet with a 2020 era version of the cube and a change log going back to Mirrodin Besieged. I can definitely get behind a good spreadsheet— and this one is a masterpiece — but having a visual view is nice. So I thought I’d fire it into here for my own benefit mostly, though obviously I’m also writing this blurb to explain what I’m up to if you stumble upon this. Or if you happen to be searching it out too.

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