This cube is designed for two players. It's an attempt to recreate the Magic environment when I first started playing in 1995. Cards from earlier sets could still find their way into our collections, but any of the real powerful and valuable cards were out of our reach.
My card choice was driven not strictly by what were the best cards of the era, but by what cards I remembered playing and what could craft an interesting environment. I also tried to throw in a bit of spice of the era with some wildly out of color effects.
I tried to include some of the classic combos of the time, like Channel/Fireball.
I'm still fine tuning the cube, but overall I've been happy with it. It's been fun to play with all these forgotten cards. Even my friends who started playing Magic much later have enjoyed it. Looking at this cube it's easy to think "What a pile of junk cards", but playing it reminds you why Magic caught on right away. It's still a fun game even with all the early awkwardness.
Adding in Enduring Renewal (and Divine Transformation is the easy cut). I think this will add the potential for some interesting deckbuilding, mostly with Black/White sacrifice themes.